How can art help with stress?
April 2020, Interview with Breakfast Television
Well 2020… you did not disappoint in drama and stress!
This picture above was during the height of COVID fears in Vancouver and I asked to be interviewed by Breakfast Television and CityTV about my colouring sheets project. I had to be up at 5am to find out if the story got the “green light” and then off I went to meet chat in the empty streets of downtown Vancouver.
To back up a little, in mid-March when Vancouver went into complete lockdown I was so stressed about the state of the world and the unknown future (still am a lot of the time!!). I was unsure how to help and be useful in this time of great need. I keep thinking, “How can my art help people right now”? Art has the power to bring people together and I decided to turn my drawings into free colouring sheets.
I wasn’t sure if people would get into the project and colour them but wow was I blown away at the feedback!
The project first started with friends and family colouring the pages and sending me photos. Then people started forwarding the PDF’s to friends and the project really took on a life of its own. People told me the pages offered them relaxation, meditation and time shared with their family units during such a difficult and chaotic time. My hope was to help people spend time off screens, to be in the moment and to help calm peoples’ minds and souls, just a little.
It was such a special project and I so appreciated everyone colouring away and sending me, like these….
Here is a free colouring sheet download as a gift from you to me! Please enjoy and use them to clear your mind and be in the moment.
Creating art is how I destress and stay in the moment and I hope my art can help others do this too!
xo jamie